Platform Architecture

Decentralized Network

  • Node Network: Power AI connects thousands of idle GPUs from contributors around the world, forming a vast decentralized network. Each GPU acts as a node, contributing computing power to the network.

  • Smart Scheduling: Our platform employs advanced scheduling algorithms to distribute AI tasks across the network. This ensures optimal utilization of resources, balancing the load effectively to maximize performance and minimize latency.

  • Scalable Infrastructure: Power AI’s architecture is designed to scale seamlessly as more nodes join the network. This scalability allows us to handle increasing demand for AI computing power efficiently.

Core Components

  • Task Manager: Manages the submission, distribution, and execution of AI tasks across the network.

  • Resource Manager: Monitors and manages the availability and performance of GPU resources, ensuring efficient use of the network.

  • Reward System: Utilizes smart contracts to calculate and distribute rewards to contributors based on their participation and computing power provided.

Last updated